Social Background of a Visionary Rebellion and the Image of an Ideal Society : A Review of the Yi Ch’unggyŏng Incident during the 7th year of King Injo (1629) Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Woo-cheol Kim Subject(s): History
Roman Law in TV Series ‘Rome’ Journal title: Collectanea Philologica Authors: Anna Garczewska Subject(s):
Threpte i Eutyches – rzymscy niewolnicy w Krakowie Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Marek Kuryłowicz Subject(s):
Trepte and Eutyches - Roman slaves in Krakow (CIL VI 27389a) Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Marek Kuryłowicz Subject(s):
Image of ideal national leader in Spyrydon Cherkanesk’s drama “Severyn Nalyvaiko” Journal title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія» Authors: А. В. Дедусь Subject(s):
İdealizmden Realizme Esir Hukukunun Değişim Süreçleri Journal title: Eskiyeni Authors: Tuncer Namlı Subject(s):