İBN FADLAN’IN (RIHLETU’BNİ FADLAN) SEYAHATNAMESİNDE TÜRKLÜĞE BAKIŞ AÇISI Journal title: Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken Authors: Sedat BAHADIR Subject(s):
The social life in Turkey in the early republic era in the perspective of the New York Times<p>The New York Times’ın gözünden erken cumhuriyet döneminde Türkiye’de sosyal hayat Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Mustafa Şahin Subject(s):
19. YÜZYIL ORTALARINDA AKDAĞ NAHİYESİNDE SOSYAL HAYAT Journal title: Near East Historical Review (NEHR) Authors: Gülsara KORKUT Subject(s): Archaeology, Art History , History