State Support Programs and Caste Based Discrimination :With special reference to PDS and MDMs Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Suresh G Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
THEORETICAL SUMMARY OF THE ESSENCE OF STATE SUPPORT FOR BUSINESS Journal title: Економіка розвитку Authors: Subject(s):
ФОРМУВАННЯ СИСТЕМИ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ПІДТРИМКИ СІЛЬСЬКОГО ГОСПОДАРСТВА НА ОСНОВІ ЛІЗИНГУ Journal title: Проблеми і перспективи розвитку підприємництва Authors: Alina Mashlyakevych Subject(s):
The Conception of the State regulation of the Agrarian-Industrial Complex: a Historical Overview Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Kseniia Bondarevska Subject(s):
The Conception of the State regulation of the Agrarian-Industrial Complex: a Historical Overview Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Kseniia Bondarevska Subject(s):
The Legal and Regulatory Framework for the State Support of the Industry Development in Ukraine Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Viktoriia Khaustova Subject(s):
Peculiarities of State Support of Development of the Infrastructural Complex of Ukraine and its Regions Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Lubov Kasyanova Subject(s):
Modern State and Tendencies of Development of Small Entrepreneurship in Ukraine Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Vasiliy Papp Subject(s):
EUROPEAN CRISIS’ EFFECTS UPON THE ROMANIAN ECONOMY Journal title: Annales Universitatis Apulensis series Oeconomica Authors: Ionela Gavrila-Paven Subject(s):
Possible Directions of Improvement of the Credit Mechanism of State Support of Credit Provision of Agricultural Enterprises in Ukraine Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Ihor Hrubinka Subject(s):
FORMATION OF STATE SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE BASED LEASING Journal title: Проблеми і перспективи розвитку підприємництва Authors: Alina Mashlyakevych Subject(s):
State Support of the Metallurgical Industry in Developed and Developing Countries Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Serhii Antonenko, Igor Yaldin, Tatyana Kochetygova Subject(s):
State regulation and support of competitiveness of telecommunication enterprises Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Innola Novykova Subject(s):
An Analysis of the Legislation of Ukraine on the State Support for Development of the Disadvantaged Regions Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Mykola Kyzym, Victoriia Khaustova, Olena Kosyrieva Subject(s):
СОЦІАЛЬНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНА СУТНІСТЬ МАЛОГО ПІДПРИЄМНИЦТВА, ПРОБЛЕМИ ЙОГО РОЗВИТКУ В УКРАЇНІ Journal title: Проблеми і перспективи розвитку підприємництва Authors: Illia Dmytriev, Yuliia Mayboroda Subject(s):