Treatment of obesity: medical managements

Journal title: Scientific Journal of Medical Science

Authors: R. Bolaños-Jímenez*| Neurosciences and Biotechnology laboratory, School of Medicine, Universidad Pan...

Subject(s): Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Nursing, Pathology and Forensics, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Physiology, Surgery, Toxicology

Impact and how to enter alavian in tabarestan

Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review

Authors: E. Salimi| Department of History of Iran, Payame Noor University, I.R of IRAN.

Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics

Jurisprudence and legal review Rooming

Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review

Authors: S. Kheradmandy*| Department of Law, Kermanshah Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University,...

Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics

Rehabilitation and renovation in ravar deteriorated urban area

Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review

Authors: R.A. Kermani*| Msc. Of Architecture, Art University of Tehran, Faculty member at Resalat University...

Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics

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