Aggregating textual and video data from movies Journal title: Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction Authors: Alexandru Hulea, Traian Rebedea Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Computer-Human Interaction
Domain Independent Joint Sentiment And Topic Detection UsingAFINN And Other Lexicons Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Supriya Paul , Sachin deshmukh Subject(s):
Personalized Subject Learning Based on Topic Detection and Canonical Correlation Analysis Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Zhangzu SHI, Steve SHI, Lucy SHI Subject(s):
Keyword Detection Techniques: A Comprehensive Study Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: Z. A. Shaikh Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
Aggregating textual and video data from movies Journal title: Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator Authors: Alexandru Hulea, Traian Rebedea Subject(s):
Scalable Service for Predictive Learning based on the Professional Social Networking Sites Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Evgeny Nikulchev, Dmitry Ilin, Gregory Bubnov, Egor Mateshuk Subject(s):
An Assisted Literature Review using Machine Learning Models to Recommend a Relevant Reference Papers List Journal title: International Scientific Research Organization Journal Authors: Ronald Brisebois, Apollinaire Nadembega , Philippe N’techobo, Alain Abran Subject(s):
Link-Anomaly Detection in Twitter Streams Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Topic Detection using Machine Learning Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Clinical Depression Detection Using Speech Feature With Machine Learning Approach Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
A PROBABILISTIC APPROACH FOR PREDICTING ANOMALIES IN SOCIAL STREAMS Journal title: Elysium Journal of Engineering Research and Management Authors: Abinaya B, Chellamaal P Subject(s):
An Assisted Literature Review using Machine Learning Models to Identify and Build a Literature Corpus Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Ronald Brisebois, Alain Abran, Apollinaire Nadembega, Philippe N‘techobo Subject(s):
A Hybrid Multi-Word Terms Extraction System Applied to Topic Detection Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: Rim Koulali, Abdelouafi Meziane Subject(s):