Teodulfa z Orleanu (750/760–821) fascynacja klasykami. Refleksje na kanwie utworu „Versus contra iudices” Journal title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia Authors: Małgorzata Chudzikowska-Wołoszyn Subject(s):
Erikson jako „wielki nieobecny” – Versus, czyli o rozumieniu faz w cyklu życia (słowo dopełniające o potencjale modelu). Erikson as a "great absent" – Versus, the meaning of phases in the life cycle (Complementary word about the potential of the model). Journal title: Czasopismo Pedagogiczne/The Journal of Pedagogy Authors: Lecz Witkowski Subject(s):
Refleksyjna problematyzacja1 tego, co filozoficzne w tym, co pedagogiczne oraz tego, co pedagogiczne w tym, co filozoficzne Journal title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny Authors: Jarosław Gara Subject(s):
Bierzmowanie versus rytuały przejścia Journal title: Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie Authors: Anna Walulik Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, History , Theology, Sociology
Gastric Cancer with Situs Inversus Journal title: International Journal of Cancer Studies & Research (IJCR) Authors: Abdeslam HASSOUNI Subject(s):
Moderating Business Environment Influence on Individual Entrepreneurial Competence and Entrepreneurial Orientation Toward Business Performance Journal title: GATR Journal of Business and Economics Review Authors: Giriati . Subject(s):
A Rare Case of Situs Inversus with Mesocardia Journal title: International Journal of Cardiology and Research (IJCRR) Authors: Sajith J S, Subject(s):
Prophylactic Donor Lymphocyte Infusion to Prevent Relapse after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Journal title: Journal of Clinical & Medical Case Reports Authors: Hongtao Liu Subject(s):
EVALUATION OF MANNOSE BINDING LECTIN LEVEL AND THYROID FUNCTIONS IN PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM DISEASE Journal title: Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries Authors: Elmutuz H. Elssaig Subject(s):
Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus, Atrio-ventricular and Ventriculararterial Concordance and a Left Posterior Aorta in a Preterm Twin Neonate Journal title: Journal of Pediatrics & Child Care Authors: Ashraf M Aly Subject(s):
Zarządzanie jakością życia w warunkach swobodnego wyboru Journal title: Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów Authors: Teresa Słaby Subject(s):
Effect of Adding Dexmedetomidine to Ropivacaine for Transversus Abdominis Plane Block: A Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Rati Prabha Subject(s):
Situs Inversus Totalis- A Case Report and Review Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Ambarish Bhandiwad Subject(s):
A Study on Newer Methods of Vesico vaginal fistula Repair with Special Reference to Laproscopic Surgery, Vesicoscopic and Vaginoscopic Surgery in Comparision to Conventional Vaginal and Abdominal Repair Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Mrityunjay Mundu Subject(s):
ROLE OF ROUTINE SCREENING IMAGING MODALITIES IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF SITUS INVERSUS TOTALIS- OUR EXPERIENCE Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Ashok Kumar Mandal, Abhijit Bhowmik Subject(s):