Życie codzienne żołnierzy niemieckich na froncie wschodnim podczas II wojny światowej Journal title: Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny Authors: Bartłomiej Gryta Subject(s):
Legislative Fundamentals of the Cinematographic Management in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1938-1945 Journal title: Eminak Authors: Oleksandr Masliuk Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
First World War impact on economic development of worldlead countries Journal title: Проблеми теорії та методології бухгалтерського обліку, контролю і аналізу: міжнародний збірник наукових праць Authors: A.Y. Polchanov Subject(s):
Ukrainian-Polish relations during the period of 1942-1944: modern historiographical discourse (selected aspects) Journal title: Eminak Authors: Vasil Ukhach Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
Public and political activity of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi in the creative heritage of Dmytro Doroshenko Journal title: Eminak Authors: Volodymyr Krot Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
Is the Sykes – Picot Agreement of 1916 was the basis for the political division of the Middle East? Journal title: Journal of Geography, Politics and Society Authors: Gideon Biger Subject(s):
Чернівецький університет у роки Першої світової війни Journal title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія Authors: Vasyl Botushanskyi Subject(s):
Book Review: Sean McMeekin. The Russian Revolution: A New History. New York: Basic Books, 2017 Journal title: NETSOL: New Trends in Social and Liberal Sciences Authors: Zachary Wise Subject(s):
Medalii și decorații din colecția Institutului de Arheologie din Iași (III) Journal title: Arheologia Moldovei Authors: Sever-Petru Boţan, Lucian Munteanu Subject(s):
Zrównoważone przywództwo a wartości generała Andersa Journal title: Polonia Journal Authors: Aleksander Sapiński Subject(s):
Informativity and Retrospectivity of the Second World War Technical and Graphic Documents in Ukrainian Archives Journal title: Intercultural Communication Authors: Lesia Kovalska Subject(s):
Formal meeting on the occasion of 72nd Anniversary of the Liberation of the Nazi German Concentration Camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau - Part I. Journal title: World Journal of Medical Images, Videos and Cases Authors: Igor Gościński Subject(s):
THE ACTIVITY OF THE UZBEK WOMEN IN THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF THE COUNTRY DURING THE WORLD WAR II Journal title: Международный научный журнал "Интернаука" Authors: Guzal Djumayeva Subject(s):
CIVILIZATIONAL DIMENSION OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR Journal title: Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki humanistyczne, społeczne i techniczne Authors: ALEXANDER SYCH Subject(s):
Akta dotyczące budowy państwowości polskiej w okresie lipiec-sierpień 1917 roku, w Austriackim Archiwum Państwowym w Wiedniu Journal title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica Authors: Jerzy Gaul Subject(s):