Literature Survey on latest research issues in MANET Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology(IJARCET) Authors: Mrs.Padma .P , Mr.R.Suresh Subject(s):
Implementation of Personalized E-Mail Prioritization-A Content Based Social Network Analysis Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Networks Authors: K.HARINI , UPPE.NANAJI Subject(s):
Enhancement in Weighted PageRank Algorithm Using VOL Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Sonal Tuteja Subject(s):
HIDDEN WEB EXTRACTOR DYNAMIC WAY TO UNCOVER THE DEEP WEB Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: DR. ANURADHA , BABITA AHUJA Subject(s):
Dynamic Organization of User Historical Queries Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: M. A. Arif Subject(s):
THE CONCEPTION OF INTEGRATING MUTITHREDED CRAWLER WITH PAGE RANK TECHNIQUE :A SURVEY Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Ms. Amrita Banjare Subject(s):
Internet bez barier - biblioteczne serwisy www wobec standardu WCAG 2.0 Journal title: Forum Bibliotek Medycznych Authors: Anna Cymbor, Edyta Rogowska Subject(s):
HUMAN CORONARY ARTERIES- A STUDY BASED ON MICROSCOPY Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Vijayamma Kunnath Narayanan, Ushavathy Padmanabhan Subject(s):
Współtworzenie wartości produktu turystycznego z klientami przez organizatorów turystyki i pośredników turystycznych z wykorzystaniem firmowych witryn WWW Journal title: Folia Turistica Authors: Bartosz Szczechowicz Subject(s):
A Revolution in Education through E-Learning Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Authors: NISHITHA S SUVARNA Subject(s):
Universal server for monitoring industrial devices using web browser Journal title: Mining – Informatics, Automation and Electrical Engineering Authors: Marian Hyla Subject(s):
Metodyka szkoleń w zakresie ochrony aplikacji internetowych przed atakami z cyberprzestrzeni Journal title: Przegląd Teleinformatyczny Authors: Krystian WOJDYGOWSKI, Zbigniew ŚWIERCZYŃSKI Subject(s):
Comparison of Anti-Glycation Capacity of Two New Purple-Colored-Leaf Tea Cultivars with an Ordinary Green-Colored-Leaf Tea Cultivar in Taiwan Journal title: Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Authors: Ho Su-Chen, Su Min-Sheng, Lin Chih-Cheng, Chiu Chui-Feng Subject(s):
Key Issues And Challenges with Web Crawlers Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: P. Srikanth, K.V.Sai phani, G.Venu Gopal Subject(s):