Journal Title: BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao - Year 2007, Vol 21, Issue 2
This article analyzes the articulations between gender, power and culture in the medievalism, specially its potential contributions for the study of the legal culture of the marriage in the royalty of Leon-Castilla under Alfonso X in the Iberian Peninsula of the XIII century. We will analyze also some traditional conceptions about the history of the marriage right in the Middle Age, articulating them to determined notions of culture and society. We will make some critical considerations about the essentialistic and culturalistic perspectives about the body and the potential relations with the study of the issue of the marriage in general. Thus, we will include some pertinent theoretical references of authors such as Joan W. Scott, Judith Butler, Berenice Bento, Raymond Williams, Terry Eagleton and, finally, E. P. Thompson. Therefore, starting from a more essayistic than conclusive purpose, we intend much to raise questions than properly answer them.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcelo Pereira Lima| Universidade Federal Fluminense
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