2013. Kierkegaard in Ukraine and worldwide
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 1
Article is a review and to some extent the introductory character. It contains references to the main activities of a scientific nature related to the celebration of the 200th anniversary S. Kierkegaard conducted in 2013 a variety of academic institutions and universities, including those under the auspices of UNESCO. In this regard, the emphasis transferred to the specifics of the study of the creative heritage and philosophy Kierkegaard in Ukraine. The author defines the specifics of research the philosophy of existentialism and Kierkegaard’s philosophy in Ukraine in the parameters of dichotomy methodological approaches "existentielle" and "existentiele" traditions. At the first glance, the difference seems negligible. But closer examination reveals that "existentielle" understanding of the field of view of researchers disappears specificity and the role of the philosophy of existentialism in the spiritual activities of the individual, his self-fulfillment and realization its mission in the world. "Existentielle" tradition, according to the author, is primarily concerned with the phenomenon of ontologization Kierkegaard’s ideas by M. Heidegger. In relation to the Kierkegaard’s philosophy the option of the "existentiele" tradition in understanding of the essence of Kierkegaard’s researches, according to the author's opinion, conversely is the main revealing the contents of his ideas in their intentionality and the essential terms. This article contains and bibliographical material, allowing to form an idea of the direction and level researches S.K. works in Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Constantine Raida
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2013. Kierkegaard in Ukraine and worldwide
Article is a review and to some extent the introductory character. It contains references to the main activities of a scientific nature related to the celebration of the 200th anniversary S. Kierkegaard conducted in 2013...
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