This article is an attempt to reconstruct Leszek Kołakowski’s vision of education based on the
study of his own notions and ideas.
According to Kołakowski, any meaning which can be attributed to human life and activities...
The importance of the stereotypes and teachers’ beliefs about mathematics as the male
domain, for the students’ perception of their competences and achievements is the subject
of extensive research. It is generally assum...
The purpose of this paper is to trace the very origins of an adventure education in Poland. We
present some ideas that can be found in the Polish literature and articles published in the early
1920s. In the novel entitle...
Wybrana bibliografia zagadnienia: Filozofia a pedagogika. Źródła, konteksty, granice
Children and Youth in Varied Socio-Cultural Contexts. Theory, Research, Praxis, pod redakcją naukową Urszuli Markowskiej-Manisty
Zaproszenie do mitu. Filozofia wychowania z pism Leszka Kołakowskiego wywiedziona
This article is an attempt to reconstruct Leszek Kołakowski’s vision of education based on the study of his own notions and ideas. According to Kołakowski, any meaning which can be attributed to human life and activities...
Stereotyp płci w uczeniu się matematyki – percepcja nauczyciela
The importance of the stereotypes and teachers’ beliefs about mathematics as the male domain, for the students’ perception of their competences and achievements is the subject of extensive research. It is generally assum...
Polskie koncepcje i programy wychowania przez przygodę. Wybrane przykłady z pierwszej połowy XX wieku
The purpose of this paper is to trace the very origins of an adventure education in Poland. We present some ideas that can be found in the Polish literature and articles published in the early 1920s. In the novel entitle...