StudiTentang Perkembangan Kesabaran Anak 4-5 TahunMelalui Budaya Antre diTK Bina Kasih Terpadu

Journal Title: EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership - Year 2020, Vol 1, Issue 2


The research entitled The Study of the Development of Patience of Children 4-5 Years through Queuing Culture at Bina Kasih Terpadu Kindergarten, Rumah Sumbul Village, Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, aims to explore the results of queuing cultural habituation for Kindergarten A students in terms of development. patience. This type of research is field research (field research) using qualitative descriptive methods, which try to reveal the facts as they are. Qualitative research is an indepth study. Field research steps were carried out using descriptive data in the form of written and spoken words, observations of behavior and phenomena. Qualitative research emphasizes the meaning, reasoning, and definition of certain situations in certain contexts. Researching everyday life. The study was conducted on 9 children. From observations, it appears that children push each other and overtake when getting off the school bus, push friends when shaking hands with the teacher, place shoes carelessly on the shelf when entering class, run while washing their hands and run around on the bus when they come home from school. Therefore, it is interesting to study the development of patience for children aged 4-5 years through the habit of queuing. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The habit of queuing starts at 08:00 WIB when the children get off the bus, at 08:30 WIB when entering class, at 10:30 WIB when washing their hands and at 11:00 WIB when the children take the bus back home. The results showed that through habituation queuing was able to develop patience in Bina Kasih Terpadu Kindergarten children group A. The conclusion was that children's patience could be developed through habituation. In this case it is the cultural habituation of queuing.

Authors and Affiliations

Syukbertien Kariani Lombu, Eny Suprihatin


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  • EP ID EP691947
  • DOI https://10.47530/edulead.v1i2.31
  • Views 121
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How To Cite

Syukbertien Kariani Lombu, Eny Suprihatin (2020). StudiTentang Perkembangan Kesabaran Anak 4-5 TahunMelalui Budaya Antre diTK Bina Kasih Terpadu. EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership, 1(2), -.