A Bibliometric Analysis of the Psychology of Mobile Banking use Among Generation Z
Journal Title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 04
This study tries to track how generation Z uses advances related to mobile banking. It is crucial to conduct research on generation Z's use of mobile banking because, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics, this group makes up the majority of the population in Indonesia. Researchers employed the quantitative descriptive with bibliometric analysis approach to obtain data for this study. 138 papers spanning the years 2018 to 2022 were searched using the Harzing's Publish or Perish application. The data from the PoP results were then descriptively examined based on the journal ranking, publication year, publisher name, and researcher productivity. PoP data is converted to an excel CSV file format (Comma Separated Values) and result as RIS (Research Information Systems) in order to obtain an accurate research development map. The software VOSviewer version 1.6.18 was used to analyze RIS data and create a pivot table from CSV data. The findings of this study demonstrate that, from 2018 to 2022, the number of publications on the subject of mobile banking research in generation Z increased yearly, reaching a peak of 72 articles in 2022. Although this research has not been extensively studied, it can stimulate research opportunities. Mapping the development of mobile banking research publications based on co-occurrence indicates that there is a psychological relationship to the use of mobile banking which is accompanied by 5 dominant clusters. Wordsbehavior, mobile applications, hedonic features, utilitarian benefits, utilitarian purposes, utilitarian features, sustainable consumption, mobile commerce, and financial behavior are all potential research topics.
Authors and Affiliations
Oktaria Mulya, Indrawati Yuhertiana
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