A Brief Survey on Image Segmentation Techniques


Image segmentation, it is a technique and in-order to segment an image is divided in to Different Regions. It is a mechanism used to divide an image into multiple segments. Segmentation process also helps to find region of interest in a particular image. The main goal is to make image more simple. An Existing segmentation techniques can’t satisfy types of images. This survey carried-out various image segmentation techniques, many segmentation an algorithm have been discussed in literature survey and the main disadvantage of these segmentation algorithm is that they differ from application to application and there exist no unique segmentation algorithms.

Authors and Affiliations

Vanitha Kakollu


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Vanitha Kakollu (2016). A Brief Survey on Image Segmentation Techniques. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 4(7), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-22385