A Case of Myoneurocysticercosisin an 8 Year Old Boy
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 11
Abstract: We are presenting an eight year old boy with localised intramuscular neck swelling of the right sterno-cleido-mastoid (SCM) with minimal tenderness which was found to contain scolex of cysticercus parasite (Myo-cysticercosis) with concomitant asymptomatic involvement ofmultiple parenchymal ring enhancing lesions of the brain consistent with Neuro-cysticercosis in various stages of its development. We highlight the importance of screening of the brain in patients with intramuscular swellings of recent origin. Keywords:cysticercus parasite, Neuro-cysticercosis
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. ShaikAfsar Pasha, Dr. Shaik Mohammad Iftekhar Rasool, Dr. Nageswara Rao, Dr. Ankamma Rao, ShaikArif Pasha
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