The aim of this study to show the relation of low vs normal serum vitamin D 25(OH)D (vit D) level in the
patient with early onset RA to disease activity.
METHODS: 92 RA Patients (72 female and 20 male) with recent-onset...
Background: Maternal as well as perinatal morbidity and mortality from placenta praevia could be
considerable. Early diagnosis, and appropriate management could reduce significantly unfavourable
fetomaternal outcomes ass...
nd beyond visceral abdominal fat. Anatomically, upper-body subcutaneous fat is a unique fat depot
located in a separate compartment compared with visceral adipose tissue.
Aims and Objective: to determine the reliability...
Depression is one of the most important mental health problems among adolescents. A cross sectional
study was conducted in a government school of Pathanamthitta district. The study population was
adolescent students stud...
Out word rolling of the lower eyelid away from the eye, exposing the surface of the inner eyelid, is called
ectropion. This condition can cause eye dryness, excessive tearing, burning and irritation. The primary
cause of...
EP ID EP525766
Views 75
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How To Cite
S Naga Swetha (2017). A Case of Pulmonary Nocardiosis: Mimicking the Mimicker. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 5(11),
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Normal Vs Low Serum Level Vitamin D in Patient with Symptomatic Early RA Disease Activity
The aim of this study to show the relation of low vs normal serum vitamin D 25(OH)D (vit D) level in the patient with early onset RA to disease activity. METHODS: 92 RA Patients (72 female and 20 male) with recent-onset...
Placenta Praevia: Diagnosis and Management outcomes in a Medical Centre, South East Nigeria
Background: Maternal as well as perinatal morbidity and mortality from placenta praevia could be considerable. Early diagnosis, and appropriate management could reduce significantly unfavourable fetomaternal outcomes ass...
To study the hip circumference to neck circumference ratio and neck circumference as a risk factor for coronary artery disease
nd beyond visceral abdominal fat. Anatomically, upper-body subcutaneous fat is a unique fat depot located in a separate compartment compared with visceral adipose tissue. Aims and Objective: to determine the reliability...
Screening for Depression among Adolescents using Child Adolescent Psychiatric Screening (CAPS) Tool
Depression is one of the most important mental health problems among adolescents. A cross sectional study was conducted in a government school of Pathanamthitta district. The study population was adolescent students stud...
A Study on Clinical Evaluation of Ectropion
Out word rolling of the lower eyelid away from the eye, exposing the surface of the inner eyelid, is called ectropion. This condition can cause eye dryness, excessive tearing, burning and irritation. The primary cause of...