A Clinical study on Cholelithiasis and its Management
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 10
Background: The study was conducted to analyze the clinical presentation, incidence and variations of presentation among the various age/sex groups and the various mode of management of Cholelithiasis. Methods: This study was conducted in our hospital in the department of General surgery, from October 2016 to September 2018, among 50 patients who were presented at the hospital with symptoms and signs suggestive of Gallstones and diagnosed by radiological and laboratory evidences as Cholelithiasis. The management of the disease, and postoperative complications and histopathological evaluation of the specimen were done and the results were correlated with various other studies. Results: The most age group affected is between 17 and 79 years. Almost all patients had right hypchondrial pain and dyspepsia. By USG abdomen 100% of the patients confirmed the diagnosis of cholelithiasis. Mean age of the patient was 48 years in our study. Mixed type of gall stones were being the most common. Next in the list being cholesterol stones and pigment stones follow them. 52% of the patients were female. All the 50 patients were treated surgically, 39 open cholecystectomy and 11 laparoscopy cholecystectomy. All 50 gall bladders sent for HPE, out of which 49 reported as chronic cholecystitis and 1 reported as adenocarcinoma. Conclusion: Cholelithiasis is most commonly found as incidental finding in USG especially in 4th or 5th decade of age. Among the symptomatic patients, after confirmation with USG, surgery was planned. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is the management of choice.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Mohan. C. P
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