A Collective Dimension of Engaging in Sex Work by Women Who Provide Sexual Services Within Escort Agencie
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2014, Vol 10, Issue 4
In the literature on the subject, the beginning of providing sexual services is often regarded as an effect of one decision arising from a collection of social, economic, or psychological conditions. Therefore, identifying the factors behind choosing a path to prostitution becomes the basic aim for empirical studies (especially the quantitative ones). At the same time, considerably less attention is paid to the processes such as adaptation and secondary socialization, which take place in the initial stage of providing sexual services—through intensive interactions the novice has with other actors that co-create the social world at hand. The article is aimed at analyzing the above-mentioned sub-processes, which form the process of engaging in sex work, with special emphasis put on its collective dimension within the context of escort agencies
Authors and Affiliations
Izabela Ślęzak
CAQDAS – nowoczesne narzędzia wspomagania komputerowego w badaniach jakościowych
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