A community model of cancer prevention - analyses of the Lower Silesia health programs 2002

Journal Title: Współczesna Onkologia - Year 2006, Vol 10, Issue 4


The Health Promotion Unit as part of the Lower Silesia Health Fund had responsibility for managing health promotion programs region-wide. The aim of the paper was to present the results of analyses of the 30 cancer prevention programs effectiveness. The first objective of this research was about cost by a review of systematic examining of the documentations of cancer control interventions addressed to nearly 20,000 people in the Lower Silesia Region. The second was about the local community participation. The unit refers to one of the most important principles of contemporary health promotion, the principle of interdisciplinary integration of the biological, behavioral, social and psychological approaches in the health field. Evidence tables were generated to summarize all necessary information extracted from the evaluation reports presented at the end of 2002. It shows that 958 programs participants were already with detected cancer or identified with some early cancer problems and additional consultation. Some analysis was difficult to undertake because there were substantial differences across some strategies, intervention assessed, methodological quality, outcome measurements or data reporting. In the discussion part the author stressed: (1) probability to estimate the rational cost of cancer preventive program, (2) the role of the local community partnerships and coalitions to expand resources and the knowledge, skills needed to assess and address health concerns related to the cancer issue, (3) the right proportions of two parts, the medical diagnostic and health education

Authors and Affiliations

Lesław Kulmatycki


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How To Cite

Lesław Kulmatycki (2006). A community model of cancer prevention - analyses of the Lower Silesia health programs 2002. Współczesna Onkologia, 10(4), 184-188. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-107408