A Comparative Evaluation of the Hemodynamic Response and Ease of Intubation with King Vision Video Laryngoscope and Mccoy Laryngoscope in Patients Posted For Cervical Spine Surgery, Undergoing Tracheal Intubation for General Anaesthesia
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 3
Abstract: Fiber optic bronchoscope, Airwayscope, Glidescope, C-mac video laryngoscope, Airtraq have been shown effective in intubating patients with cervical spine injury. Though McCoy laryngoscope has been proved useful in these patients for intubation, but the recently added King's Vision video laryngoscope has limited data in such scenario. 60 ASA physical statuses I and I, non obese patients of either sex (18-60 yrs age) of all Mallampati classes, undergoing general anaesthesia for elective cervical spine surgery were included. Cervical immobilisation maintained using manual inline stabilisation with the anterior part of the cervical collar removed. The two laryngoscopes, the King Vision [KV] and McCoy [MC] were compared with each other with respect to the laryngoscopy and intubation time, POGO score, number of attempts taken, incidence of successful intubation, ease of intubation, changes hemodynamics during laryngoscopy and intubation, and incidence of complications like blood staining of laryngoscope blade during laryngoscopy and sore throat. The mean intubation time was significantly faster with the King vision (22.64 ±2.63 s) compared to the McCoy laryngoscope (24.98 ±2.84 s, p=0.0016). King Vision provided a better glottis visualization with a mean POGO score of 95.53± 17% as compared to the 79.9±31.23% with McCoy laryngoscope (p=0.019). First attempt success was noted in 93.3% (28/30) and 70% (21/30) of the patients using King Vision and McCoy laryngoscopes respectively. The ease of intubation was thus significantly better with the King vision as compared to the McCoy laryngoscope (p=0.042). The haemodynamic stress response to laryngoscopy and intubation was found to be less with King vision laryngoscope as compared to the McCoy.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Debadas Biswal, Prof Dr. Basanta Kumar Pradhan, Dr. Hari Shankar R
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