A Comparative Study of Gender Difference in Palatal Rugae Patterns among Bengali Subjects in Murshidabad
Journal Title: International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery - Year 2019, Vol 8, Issue 1
ABSTRACT Introduction: Palatal rugae pattern is reasonably unique to an individual and remain stable throughout lifetime. It can serve to be an important tool in forensic identification, particularly when, other regular methods of identification become difficult. Aim: To determine whether or not there exists any gender difference in palatal rugae pattern among Bengali subjects in Murshidabad district of West Bengal. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on a total of 68 subjects (n=68) belonging to Murshidabad District of West Bengal. The sample was randomly selected comprising 34 males and 34 females. Alginate impressions of the hard palate of subjects were taken and casted by dental stone. The data were assessed based on the Thomas and Kotze classification (1983). Association between rugae forms and gender were tested using student’s t-test. Results: Palatal rugae of right side showed higher prevalence in female (3.706±0.676) and the finding is statistically significant. The curved shaped rugae were significantly predominant in females (2.471±0.992) than in males. The backward directed rugae pattern was significantly predominant in females (3.353±1.704) than in males, but the perpendicular rugae pattern was significantly predominant in males (0.824±0.387) than in females. Conclusion: The current study reveals significant gender difference in palatal rugae pattern. This unique rugae pattern and gender difference can be used as a reliable aid for identification of subjects in Murshidabad population.
Authors and Affiliations
Asutosh Pramanik, Madhumita Debnath, Moulik Debnath
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