A Comparative Study of Microscopic Detection Methods and Haematological Changes in Malaria
Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5
Objective: To find out the relative incidence of different species of Plasmodium, most sensitive method for detection and various hematological changes in Malaria. Methods: In 6 months study, blood sample were collected from 100 patients attending the OPD Laboratory in SMS Hospital, who were having malaria. Complete blood count and peripheral blood film examination (Thin and thick Leishman stained films), Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC) test, and acridine orange fluorescence method were performed. Measurement of prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time done by automated coagulorneter Dimed (CD-2). Determinaton of fibrin degradation products done in patients having prolonged prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time by commercially available kit. Results: Over the period of 6 months total 100 cases were analysed.on examination of thin film P. falciparum 78% cases and P. vivax 22% cases.on thick film examination P. falciparum 61% cases and P. vivax 21% cases. In QBC test 45% cases P. falciparum and 7% cases P vivax. In acridine orange fluorescence method 51% cases P. falciparum and 17% cases P. vivax. Out of 100 malaria positive cases, malaria was detected by thin smear examination in 100% cases, by thick smear examination in 82% cases, by acridine orange fluorescence method in 68% cases while QBC has least sensitivity as only 52% cases were detected by this method. Anemia was present in 78.20% cases of P. falciparum and 54.5% cases of P. vivax. Thrombocytopenia was present in 87.17% cases of P. falciparum and 54.54% cases of P. vivax. In P. falciparum PT was found within normal range in 89.7% cases and prolonged in 10.2% cases. APTT was normal in 87.1% cases and prolonged in 12.8% cases. In P. vivax, PT was found normal in 100% cases and APTT was found within normal range in 95.4% cases and prolonged in 4.5% cases. Out of 100 cases, FDP was positive in 6% cases of malaria and all the cases were of P. falciparum. Conclusion: Malaria has been a problem in India for centuries. There is always a need for a rapid and sensitive method for identifying malarial parasite. Prompt and accurate diagnosis of malaria is important for effective cases management.Thin film examination was found to be the most sensitive method while QBC test was least sensitive.
Authors and Affiliations
Saroj Pachori, Parminder Pachori, Geeta Pachori, Nishi Rani Dixit, Tushar Bayela, Aditi Sirohi
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