A comparative study regarding the manifestation of creative skills in the 1st and 3rd year physical education and sports students
Journal Title: Gymnasium - Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health - Year 2011, Vol 12, Issue 1
The study presents the level of the creative skills manifested in the Physical Education students, 20 from 1st year and 20 from 3rd year undergraduate students. The creative skills were assessed with the "Creative Skills Study Quantified Questionnaire" presented by Ion Moraru in 1998 (pag. 172). We used as methods: the observation, the bibliographical study, the test, the statistical-mathematical method. The data collected were analyzed separately for the 1st and 3rd year students, and then we compared them. The conclusions we could draw emphasize a better level in the 3rd year students. The 1st year students are 55% grouped in the average skill endowment category with a tendency towards good skill endowment, while only 15% of the 3rd year students are in this category. The 1st year students are 45% grouped in the average skill endowment category (over 114 points), being close to the good skill endowment category (171 points), as for the 3rd year students, 70% of them are in this category. 15% of the 3rd year students are in the good skill endowment stage, with a tendency towards very good skill endowment. The 3rd year students have better creative skills than the 1st year students, as a result of the creative formative process conducted during the professional formation. The hypothesis stating that the creative skills level is better in the 3rd year than the 1st, as a result of the professional formation activity, was confirmed.
Authors and Affiliations
Gloria RAŢĂ, Bogdan RAŢĂ, Penelopia IANCU, Horia IANCU, Marinela RAŢĂ
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