A comparison of radiological outcomes in the surgical treatment of thoraco-lumbar scoliosis by anterior „bone on bone” and posterior spondylodesis
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2005, Vol 7, Issue 3
Background. The goal of surgical treatment in idiopathic scoliosis is to assure maximal correction of the curvature with a minimal number of spine segments fused. There are two main methods of spondylodesis: anterior and posterior. Material and methods. We compared radiological outcomes after surgical treatment of idiopathic thoraco-lumbar scoliosis by the anterior method called „bone on bone” and the posterior method using derotating fusion. Group I consisted of patients operated by the posterior technique, while Group II consisted of patients operated by the anterior „bone on bone” technique. Results. In Group I, the mean range of fusion was 7 vertebrae. After surgery the mean curve was 23° (61% correction), while at 1-year follow-up the mean angle was 26°. In Group II, the mean range of fusion was 4 vertebrae. After surgery the mean angle was 15° (78% correction), while at one-year follow-up the mean angle was 16°. Conclusions. The „bone on bone” method of anterior fusion gave greater correction and a shorter range of fusion compared to the posterior approach. At one-year follow-up no major loss of correction was noticed in either group.
Authors and Affiliations
Daniel Zarzycki, Aleksander Winiarski, Paweł Radło, Grzegorz Makieła, Marcin Kasprzyk
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