A Concept of a Cultural Tourist Route Following the Footsteps of Witold Gombrowicz in Buenos Aires

Journal Title: Studia Periegetica - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue 2


Buenos Aires is one of the most frequently chosen tourist destinations among the cities of Latin America. Apart from the generally known tourist attractions, it also offers activities for tourists with special interests. Recent years have seen a growing popularity of cultural tourism, associated with tango, architecture and prominent figures. The city authorities are supporting this kind of tourist activity and are interested in the promotion of places linked with W. Gombrowicz in the context of his relation to Argentina’s capital city. In Poland, following the publication of the author’s private diary “Kronos” in 2013, there has been an increased interest in his life in Buenos Aires. One initiative recently undertaken to meet these expectations involves creating a commemorative trail in Buenos Aires featuring the places related to Gombrowicz. Bearing in mind that such a trail could appeal to a rather limited group of tourists, the idea was to include not only places uniquely associated with Witold Gombrowicz but also sites of interest to every tourist but can be linked with the writer.

Authors and Affiliations

Michał Faryś, Jolanta Kijowska


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  • EP ID EP413679
  • DOI 10.26349/st.per.0022.05
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How To Cite

Michał Faryś, Jolanta Kijowska (2018). A Concept of a Cultural Tourist Route Following the Footsteps of Witold Gombrowicz in Buenos Aires. Studia Periegetica, 22(2), 85-102. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-413679