A concomitant case of unilateral renal agenesis and unihorn uterus in a balb/c mouse
Journal Title: Scientific Journal of Zoology - Year 2012, Vol 1, Issue 1
A case of unilateral renal agenesis and unihorn uterus in BalbB/C mice is discussed here. The post mortem examination conducted on naturally dead mice revealed absence of left kidney, ureter and left uterine horn which is rare condition in BalbB/C mice. Microscopically kidney, ureter and uterus did not show any significant histopathological alterations. Different etiologies might be related to such nonlethal genetic defect resulting in abnormal organogenesis.
Authors and Affiliations
L. G. Devi| Department of Pathology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India, N. D. Singh*| Department of Veterinary-Pathology, COVS, GADVASU, Ludhiana, H. S. Banga| Department of Veterinary-Pathology, COVS, GADVASU, Ludhiana, P. D. Gadhave| Department of Veterinary-Pathology, COVS, GADVASU, Ludhiana
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