By asymptotic integration of the two-dimensional equations of elasticity theory for a thermoelastic strip, the
components of stress tensor and components of displacement vector are calculated in inner problem of
M. G. Melkonyan (1972). A contact problem of thermoelasticity of a composite rectangle.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 25(1),
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Solution of linear and nonlinear problems in vicinity of tangency point of waves fronts.
Numerical solution to some problems on optimal stochastic system control.
Asymptotic solution of a mixed boundary value problem for five-layer isotrope thermoelastic strip and some application
By asymptotic integration of the two-dimensional equations of elasticity theory for a thermoelastic strip, the components of stress tensor and components of displacement vector are calculated in inner problem of symmetri...
On a contact problem of torsion of a prolated ellipsoid of revolution.
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