A contribution to the moss $ora of the Western Bieszczady Mts (Eastern Carpathians)
Journal Title: Roczniki Bieszczadzkie - Year 2010, Vol 18, Issue 1
New data on distributiona of 192 moss taxa recorded in 1990–1991 and 2009 in the Polish part of the Bieszczady Mts are provided. One taxon, Hypnum cupressiforme var. julaceum is new to the flora of Poland, whereas twenty four species and one variety, for example Campylopus intro!exus, Hygrohypnum !uviatile, Philonotis marchica, Sphagnum teres and Tortella inclinata are new to the bryo$ora of this region. Other interesting mosses are protected and threatened in Poland taxa, such as Anomodon longifolius, Brachythecium geheebii, Campylopus pyriformis, Dicranum viride, Hypnum pratense, Orthotrichum lyellii and Tomentypnum nitens.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Stebel, Jan Żarnowiec
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