A Cross-sectional Study on Age related Dyslipidaemia in patients with Type2 Diabetes mellitus

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 8


Objectives: This study was to evaluate the effect of duration of diabetes mellitus on lipid profile of different age groups patients, establish the relation between serums lipid profile of patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus with aging. Methods: A detail history, clinical examination and relevant investigations were performed all patients. Plasma glucose estimation was performed by using RFCL kit on the microlab -300 Semi Auto- analyzer supplied by Merck. Total cholesterol was estimated quantitatively by CHOD-PAP technique. Serum Triacylglycerol was estimated quantitatively by GPO-ESPAS technique. High density lipoproteins (HDL-C) was estimated quantitatively by PEG-PAP method. Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL-C) was estimated from serum triacylglycerol level using Friedewald formula and low density lipoproteins (LDL-C) was calculated by subtracting serum HDL and VLDL from total serum cholesterol. Results: Data was analyzed by SPSS software. Mean ± S.D and Person’s r value were observed. P value was taken ≤ 0.05 for significant differences. Conclusions: This study was concluded that age as well as diabetic state had deleterious effects on lipid profile. All constituent of lipid profile had an increasing trend with age except HDL which had a negative trend with advancing age; this was true in diabetic and non diabetic subjects as well. Hence, we may be suggested that diabetes mellitus accelerates age related disturbance in lipid profile.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Nandani


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Dr Nandani (2018). A Cross-sectional Study on Age related Dyslipidaemia in patients with Type2 Diabetes mellitus. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 6(8), 835-841. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-518471