A Cross Sectional Study on Menstrual Hygeine, Pattern & Other Menstrual Problems among Adolescent School Going Girls

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3


Abstract: Adolescence is the period of rapid physical growth, psychological and social changes. An understanding of the physiology of puberty and menarche is essential for all adolescent girls so that they can acquire accurate information and dispel myths. Poor menstrual hygiene is an important risk factor for reproductive tract infections. The objective is to compare the age of menarche, menstrual hygiene, and problems associated with menstruation among adolescent girls from urban and rural schools in Thiruvananthapuram district. Methodology Community based descriptive cross-sectional study with a population of 200going adolescent girls in both urban and rural schools in Thiruvananthapuram. The study was done over a one year period. Data was obtained from school records and also using a pre tested questionnaire. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis. Results There was no significance difference between urban and rural population in the mean age of menarche which was 11.9 years.88.5% had regular cycles and 86.5% had normal menstrual flow. Dysmenorrhea was present in 63% of population of which 23.8%had congestive dysmenorrhea and 76.2% had spasmodic dysmenorrhea. Menstrual hygiene was good 87.5% Conclusion. The mean age of menarche among adolescent girls was found to be 11.9 years the prevalence of irregular cycles among adolescent girls was found to be 11.5% with heavy menstrual bleeding in 7%. The prevalence of dysmenorrhoea was found to be 63%. Severe dysmenorrhoea was present in 12.5% of girls. Menstrual hygiene was good in 87.50% of girls. There was no statistically significant difference between urban and rural population. Keywords:Adolescence, Dysmenorrhea, dispel myths

Authors and Affiliations

Manjusha Viswanathan, Suja D aniel, Kumari Beena, Deepa Rao


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Manjusha Viswanathan, Suja D aniel, Kumari Beena, Deepa Rao (2017). A Cross Sectional Study on Menstrual Hygeine, Pattern & Other Menstrual Problems among Adolescent School Going Girls. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 5(3), 984-989. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-371459