A cross-sectional study on the awareness and hygienic practices among the poultry butchers in urban Bengaluru
Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 6
Background: Poultry and poultry butcher shops are an important source of many food-borne diseases in man. As the consumers are at risk of various health problems, the butchers are also at risk of various occupational hazards due to substandard facilities and unhygienic practices. Objectives: This study was conducted to know the awareness and hygienic practices among the poultry butchers and to assess the knowledge about occupational hazards among them. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study conducted for 5 months in ward number 32 of urban Bengaluru. There were 52 poultry butcher shops in this area, and the butchers working in these shops were included in the study. A personal face to face interview was conducted using a preformed questionnaire after obtaining oral consent. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. Results: Of the total 52 shops included for the study, 58% of the shops had a valid license for slaughtering. 25% of butchers were illiterates, and 98% had not undergone any sort of formal training for butchering. Butchers experienced for >5 years were 65%. Awareness regarding health hazards occurring due to consumption of contaminated meat was observed among 29%. Cleanliness of setting (98%) and equipment’s (83%) were the most important factors to maintain meat hygiene according to the butchers. Protective equipment’s usage was poor with no aprons, gloves, and gumboots in 46%, 98%, and 92% of the butchers, respectively. Conclusion: Hygienic practices and its awareness among the poultry butchers were very poor. Majority of the butchers were unaware of the occupational hazards among them. Regular monitoring of the shops and formal training for the butchers are needed to improve the hygienic levels and also to bring down the diseases caused due to consumption of contaminated meat.
Authors and Affiliations
Jagadish S Devaru, Anil Raju, Puttaswamy M
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