A Deliberation on the Prophetic Ḥadīth "Whoever deliberately ascribes a lie to me"
Journal Title: رهیافتهایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث - Year 2008, Vol 40, Issue 81
The ḥadīth "Whoever deliberately ascribes a lie to me" is among the widely transmitted (mutiwātir) traditions, which both Shī‘a and Sunnī transmitters of ḥadīth have related from the Prophet (S.A.W.) in their ḥadīth collections; but still some whispers of doubt are heard about the validity of its sanad, soundness of the text, and its evidential aspects. Some of the orientalists have regarded this very ḥadīth as forged and fabricated and a few of the contemporary ḥadīth researchers have considered part of it to be mudraj (inserted). Raising questions concerning the above ḥadīth, the present article addresses certain aspects of its issuance and signification.
Authors and Affiliations
ḤAsan NaqīZāDa
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