Cel pracy
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki zrealizowanych przez Autorów badań, którymi objęto małżonków (N=315) w okresie późnej dorosłości (60-75 lat). Ich nadrzędnym celem była identyfikacja predyktorów w zakresie pocz...
The article presents proposal of of implementing an integrative approach to body image therapy for patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. The integrative approach proposes to consider techniques of the ps...
The development of psychoanalytic theory was also reflected in clinical practice, which creatively uses the conceptual symbols in the process of therapy. Initially, the understanding of the symbol as work done once and f...
This article aims to discuss the issue of coexistence of the ADHD and PTSD diagnoses in children and adolescents. The literature review presented in the article describes how early chronic stress experiences activate the...
A short history of main streams of the idea of therapeutic community and its practice in various treatment settings is presented. Some reflections on the inspirations of the practice in the Department of Neurotic Disorde...
Predyktory poczucia własnej godności. Badania osób w okresie późnej dorosłości.
Cel pracy W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki zrealizowanych przez Autorów badań, którymi objęto małżonków (N=315) w okresie późnej dorosłości (60-75 lat). Ich nadrzędnym celem była identyfikacja predyktorów w zakresie pocz...
Body image psychotherapy in anorexia and bulimia nervosa– an integrative approach: application of psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychodramatic techniques
Objectives The article presents proposal of of implementing an integrative approach to body image therapy for patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. The integrative approach proposes to consider techniques of the ps...
Some remarks about the mechanisms of symbolisation
The development of psychoanalytic theory was also reflected in clinical practice, which creatively uses the conceptual symbols in the process of therapy. Initially, the understanding of the symbol as work done once and f...
In search of a meaning — psychodynamic therapy with children experiencing externalizing disorders
This article aims to discuss the issue of coexistence of the ADHD and PTSD diagnoses in children and adolescents. The literature review presented in the article describes how early chronic stress experiences activate the...
What really heals in therapeutic community? Some reflections on the importance of social learning in therapy of neuroses
A short history of main streams of the idea of therapeutic community and its practice in various treatment settings is presented. Some reflections on the inspirations of the practice in the Department of Neurotic Disorde...