A Historical Perspective on Inclusivism as the Prevailing Paradigm in the Christian Theology of Religions
Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2018, Vol 34, Issue 1
The article first explains various perspectives on the world religions. Its main focus is on the inclusivist perspective as the most common approach in the debate on religions. Here special attention is given to the development of the Christocentric model in the Catholic Church referring first to the early Church Fathers and afterwards to Logos theology. The analysis shows that the theology of the Logos was always present in Catholic attitudes towards other believers throughout history alongside the exclusivist axiom extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church no salvation). Later, this inclusivist theology was echoed in the „fulfilment theory” of Jean Danielou, „anonymous Christianity” of Karl Rahner, the Second Vatican Council’s stand on other faiths, and in the post-conciliar official Church teaching. The article ends with evaluation of the complexity, challenges and unavoidable shortcomings of the Christocentric approach to other religions.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Grzelak
Podstawowe wspólnoty chrześcijańskie - wyzwaniem i szansą dla Kościoła w Afryce
Podstawowe wspólnoty chrześcijańskie - wyzwaniem i szansą dla Kościoła w Afryce
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