A Key Private Re-Encryption Scheme To Secure And PrivacyPreserving Using Cam
Journal Title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 11
In a remote Health monitoring system a client can set up a portable sensor to collect various physiological data to diagnosis himself. Such physiological data could then be sent to a central server which could then run a variety of web medical applications on these data to return timely advice to the client. Cloud-assisted mHealth monitoring could offer a great prospect to perk up the quality of healthcare services and potentially reduce healthcare costs there is a hesitant block in making this technology a reality. It is based on a new alternative of key private proxy re-encryption scheme in which the company only wants to achieve encryption once at the setup phase while shifting the rest computational tasks to the cloud without compromising privacy moreover reducing the computational and communication burden on clients and the cloud.
Authors and Affiliations
R. Ramadevi, SK. Ahmad Shah
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