A kiberpesszimizmus és a digitalitásba születés diskurzusai a társadalmi felgyorsulás tükrében
Journal Title: ME.dok - MÉDIA–TÖRTÉNET–KOMMUNIKÁCIÓ - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
(The Discourses of Cyber-Pessimism and the Digital Nativity in the Mirror of the Acceleration of Social Changes) New media and networked technology plays a crucial role in the socialization processes and everyday lives of more and more people born in the past decades. Thus it is not surprising that many discourses emerged to evaluate and interpret these tendencies. These discourses are often embedded in cyberoptimistic or cyberpessimistic narratives. Both narratives usually share technological determinism, and while anti-internet discourses are mostly built upon the presumed negative eff ects of social acceleration and/or a generation-based approach of young people, pro-internet discourses emphasize the positive eff ects of connectivity on social capital accumulation, and the desired nature of technological progress. This study, through literature review and a focus group research, highlights the parallel nature of everyday and scholarly discourses of cyberpessimism and its connections to the narrative of social acceleration, as well as an oversimplifying interpretation of the generational approach. The study also aims to create a theoretical model through the results of the research to put overgeneralizing causal models characteristic of many popular theories in context, by building on the concept of youth transition.
Authors and Affiliations
András Déri
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