A kindergarten teacher bringing science to a community
Journal Title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 4
The National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) sponsored professional development of educators in the NASA Summer of Innovation (SOI) program. The Idaho, Montana, and Utah (IMU-SOI) program worked with educators and students from thirteen Native American communities. The summer sessions were focused on problem based learning and engaging middle school youngsters in NASA and STEM curriculum. This paper describes the effort of one kindergarten teacher to bring a science club to her elementary school and how the local community embraced and supported the club.
Authors and Affiliations
Becky Theis| Lakeview Elementary School, Gillette, Wyoming, USA, Ed Galindo| Aquaculture Research Institute, University of Idaho, Moscow, USA, Tod Shockey| Curriculum & Instruction, University of Toledo, Toledo, USA, For correspondence: todshockey@gmail.com
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