A Literature Review on Implementing Security in Cloud Environment


In modern computing, Cloud computing is an important part of any small or large organization. Today cloud computing can be considered as a service, similar to the way that electricity is considered a service in urban areas. A cloud user can utilize different computing resources (e.g. network, storage, software application), whenever required, without being concerned with the complex underlying technology and infrastructure architecture. The most important feature is that the computing resources are available whenever they are needed. Additionally, users pay only for the resource they actually use. As a result, cloud users can easily scale their information technology infrastructure, based on their business policy and requirements. However, there is often a lack of security when realizing such cloud-based solutions. In the longer term, the problems caused by this lack of security might inhibit companies from taking advantage of cloud-based solutions. This paper provides literature review on various methods for implementing security in cloud environment.

Authors and Affiliations

Manisha . , Sunita Rani


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Manisha . , Sunita Rani (2017). A Literature Review on Implementing Security in Cloud Environment. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(6), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-24758