A model for constraction the filds of radiation background
Journal Title: Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна серія "Екологія" - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 17
The problem of building the field of radiation background on the place according to the measurements taken at a finite number of points is always actual. Purpose. Elaboration a new regression model for constructing the radiation background field. Methods. Measurements of the power of continuous X-ray’s and gamma radiation's dose were carried out on the territory of the Nemishlyansky region of Kharkov in May-June 2017 using the dosimeter MKC-25 "TEPPA". Regression analysis has been used for processing of the measurement results. Results. A regression model for constructing a field of a radiation background on the place by the length of a broken line, which in turn joins all sorted by increasing power of the dose control points, while an arbitrary point of the zone is joined from the preceding to the nearest control point, and this total distance along the broken line is substituted to the regression equation, has been developed. Conclusions. The model makes it possible to reliably build a map of radiation contamination throughout the controlled area based on the results of local measurements in a certain number of control points. The model may find application for monitoring other types of contaminants.
Authors and Affiliations
O. M. Getmanets, K. Yu. Ivanova, N. M. Pelikhaty
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