A new Attitude in Criticism of the Validity of Reliable Tradition

Journal Title: فقه و اصول - Year 2014, Vol 46, Issue 97


One of the most important discourses on basics of jurisprudence methodology (‘ilm al-uṣūl) is the one concerning the isolated tradition. The most important reason for proving the validity of the isolated tradition according to the widely known viewpoint of the authorities on this issue is the attitude of the intellectual. This article is intended to criticize this reason and in the end to prove its insufficiency for the claim in question.

Authors and Affiliations

MuḥAmmad RasūL ĀHangarāN


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  • EP ID EP184513
  • DOI 10.22067/fiqh.v46i17.18080
  • Views 122
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How To Cite

MuḥAmmad RasūL ĀHangarāN (2014). A new Attitude in Criticism of the Validity of Reliable Tradition. فقه و اصول, 46(97), 9-27. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-184513