A new method of thyroid gland volume measurement by ultrasound in vivo

Journal Title: Lietuvos Chirurgija - Year 2003, Vol 1, Issue 2


Background / objective A new method of thyroid gland volume and mass measurement by ultrasound was elaborated at the Clinic of Abdominal Surgery of Vilnius University. Methods The method was proposed after ultrasonic pre-operative measurement (by our approach) and post-operative weighing and volume measurement of 187 thyroid lobes and 88 isthmuses. Results / conclusions We found that the volume of 1g of thyroid gland tissue is 0.958 ml and the difference is statistically significant. Thus, thyroid mass and volume must be calculated separately. To measure the size of the thyroid gland according to the new method, the following mathematical formulas are suggested: Vist = 0.991 × A × B × C, Mist = 1.051× A × B × C, Vlob = 0.49 × A × B × C, Mlob = 0.508 × A × B × C, where Vist is the isthmus volume, Mist is the isthmus weight, Vlob is the lobe volume, Mlob is the lobe weight, A is lobe (or isthmus) length, B is lobe (or isthmus) width, C is lobe (or isthmus) depth. The volume (or mass) of the thyroid gland is the sum ultrasonically determined volumes (or masses) of the both lobes and the isthmus. The accuracy of the method has been ascertained by comparing the ultrasonically determined volume (and weight) with the volume (and weight) of the same gland removed surgically. The correlation coefficient was r=0.97 (n=71). The method is adapted to ordinary ultrasound equipment.

Authors and Affiliations

Paulius Zeromskas, Algimantas Bubnys, Kestutis Strupas


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How To Cite

Paulius Zeromskas, Algimantas Bubnys, Kestutis Strupas (2003). A new method of thyroid gland volume measurement by ultrasound in vivo. Lietuvos Chirurgija, 1(2), 115-121. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-112717