A Novel Technique for Creative Problem-Solving by using Q-learning and Association algorithm


for a single problem there are multiple solutions or multiple ideas from different users. Means every one gave an idea (solution) for solving the given problem if we distribute that particular problem to the different users (people). Finally we got set of ideas (solutions) for a particular problem, but individual users don’t know his/her idea is useful or not for solving the problem, if useful how many people are accepting their idea’s for solving the problem and what is the best idea for that problem among them. Means this is I- Query Solver is the concept which help to employs computer-mediated electronic communication to replace verbal communications. This paper integrates the unique association thinking of humans with an intelligent agent technique to devise an automated decision. Agent can represent a session participant who is actively participating in problem solving process. This agent grounded on the three association capabilities of human thinking (similarity, contiguity, and contrast) Furthermore, a Collective ideation Decision System (CIDS) is built to construct an environment where agent can learn and share their knowledge with each other.

Authors and Affiliations

Venkata Phanikrishna Balam, T. Srinivasarao


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Venkata Phanikrishna Balam, T. Srinivasarao (2014). A Novel Technique for Creative Problem-Solving by using Q-learning and Association algorithm. International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology, 3(8), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-27964