A possibility of using the Viennese Testing System in assessing hurdlers’ rhythmization abilities
Journal Title: Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu - Year 2007, Vol 25, Issue 1
110 m hurdler race belongs to complex athletic events where the performance level is determined by both fitness and coordination abilities. From among the latter ones one should distinguish the sense of direction and rhythmization ability. The rhythm in hurdle race is not a fully defined ability of taking into account a single movement (clearing a hurdle) and also cyclic run in alternate three-step inter-hurdle distances. The purpose of the paper was to assess the ability of rhythmization in hurdlers by using the potentialities of the Viennese Testing System (VTS). Tests were attended by 13 leading Polish hurdlers and a group of 23 students of Katowice University School of Physical Education. The main research tool was a computer-aided sense of rhythm test “TA P” which is a part of VTS. The standard testing procedure was modified. Two basic parametric blocks grouping the results of work performed by hands and legs were made. A parametric block grouping the leg tests consisted of 10 (alternate) tests. Standard tests – right leg slow fast, left leg slow fast, legs alternately slow fast – was supplemented with (alternate) tests which are specific for the hurdlers’ rhythm. The obtained results demonstrate that the specific structure of the test did not reveal any significant differences in motorial behaviours presented by the students and sportsmen. Hurdlers do not distinguish themselves regarding the magnitude of errors committed but only in the stability and effectiveness in accomplishing the assumed motorial program, both in the case of upper and lower extremities. It seems that the so-called hurdlers’ rhythm is not a manifestation of laboratory abilities of reproducing rhythm but rather a specific form of race accomplished on the basis of speedstrength- endurance efforts.
Authors and Affiliations
Ronald Mehlich, Janusz Iskra, Zbigniew Waśkiewicz
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