A Presumption Mold of Visual Cryptography Design with Dynamic Groups
Visual cryptography is a secret sharing scheme where an image is encoded into transparencies. The Secret information can be revealed from the encoded image only when the correct set of images is given as an input and if the input is not matching then the secret information cannot be revealed. We will introduce a scheme which will dynamically add a user to specific group and then based on the information being shared that group related users can retrieve the information. To cut down the overhead of generating and distributing transparencies in user changes, this paper implements a Visual Cryptography scheme. The proposed scheme not provides security to the data but also takes care of discrepancies an extended VC scheme based on basis matrices and a presumption mold is proposed. Apart from the Visual Cryptography scheme we also show the image processing i.e. sending the information for communication along with the image in fact text being written on the image.
Authors and Affiliations
Sudhakar Badikala , Gowthami Janapatla
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