A rare agent of spondylodiscitis in adult patient: Salmonella enteritidis
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2012, Vol 39, Issue 1
Salmonella infections are a public health problem in Turkey, as all over the world. Salmonella spp. can cause very different infections such as gastroenteritis, typhoidparatyphoid fever, bacteremia, local metastatic infections and chronic carriage. Salmonella spondylodiscitis occurs rarely in the adult population. In this case report, we have presented a 66 years old female patient followed with the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and treated with prednisolone. The patient had a new diagnosis of Salmonella enteritidis and we aimed to discuss similar cases by the culture of lumbar empyema culture ampiciline, cefotaxime, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin was revealed the presence of resistant S.enteritidis. The patient has received ciprofloxacin 2x200 mg per day for 3 weeks as intravenous. And patient was discharged with advice of using ciprofloxacin as per oral long three months
Authors and Affiliations
Süleyman Durmaz, Suat Doğan, İdris Kandemir, Ahmet Menkü, Bilgehan Aygen, Duygu Perçin
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