A rare case of lymphangioliomyomatosis with recurrent pneumothoracis
Journal Title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 11
We are reporting a rare and an interesting case of lymphangioliomyomatosis in a middle aged woman with past history of bilateral pneumothacis, who presented with complaints of right sided chest pain and suden onset of breathlessness. Chest Xray was done which was suggestive of right sided pnemothorax. Her HRCT-chest showed multiple parenchymal cyst and was evaluated further with bronchoscopy. Transbronchial lung biopsy was taken which reported as lymphangioliomyomatosis. She was treated with Intercostal drain and oral progesterone supplements.
Authors and Affiliations
Ashish Deshmukh, Saumya Ramachandran, Sunil Jadhav, Shivprasad Kasat, Hafiz Deshmukh, Chintan Yadav
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