A recuperação da informação no acervo CURT LANGE- UFMG: ensaio para levantamento de dados
Journal Title: BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao - Year 2015, Vol 29, Issue 1
This paper deals with the issue of the documental accessibility in Brazilian music collections, focusing on the Curt Lange Collection of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (ACL-UFMG), based on a documentary research conducted in the Collection in 2013 with respect to the documents of the Brotherhood of St. Cecilia. It can be seen that the absence of organic nature of the documentation guarded by the Collection, technical and technological limitations caused by the use of the current database and the limitations caused by the software used to make the document control in Collection, hamper the search for specific documents and therefore influence the information retrieval process. The documentary research process conducted in ACL-UFMG showed that the document accessibility interferes with the development of research, since the knowledge of the existence of documents and access to them are key factors to the query and reference to those during the performance of work scientific. It is intended, therefore, through this work, highlight the advantages of implementing new projects in ACL-UFMG aimed for a detailed description of all your document content and indexing this information in an automated database and the spread of these information in digital media (where possible) in order to make the documents available to the consultant, thus optimizing the research activity in the Collection
Authors and Affiliations
Amanda Pamela Santos Gomes| Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG
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