A Retrospective Study of Incidence of Torsion Testes in Acute Scrotum
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 1
Aim: The main aim of this study is to note the prevalence and epidemiology of acute scrotum, their presentation, to find out the incidence of torsion testes in patients who presented with acute scrotum there by facilitating an approach in identifying those patients who need early intervention to decrease associated morbidity and mortality. Objectives: To find out the 1.Various causes of acute scrotum, 2.Age distribution, 3.Pre disposing factors, 4.Presenting symptoms, 5.Incidence of torsion testes, 6.Management, 7.Iintra –operative findings ,8.post operative study , 9.morbidity and 10.mortality.and the outcome in patients who presented with acute scrotum in Rajah Muthiah Medical College Hospital. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted by a retrospective analysis of the patients who were admitted with acute scrotum, in all the surgical units of the Department of General Surgery, in Rajah Muthiah Medical college and hospital between May 2015 and October 2017. To study 1.various causes of acute scrotum. 2. To know the mode of presentation, investigations required and the treatment outcome of various causes of acute scrotum with special reference to torsion of testis.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr K. Ravichandran
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