A Retrospective Study of Intussusception in Children

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 8


Background: Intussusception is invagination of one segment of intestine into other one. The proximal part known as Intussusceptum and distal part is called as Intussuscepiens. It is one of the common cause of paediatric intestinal obstruction, incidence of which may vary according to age and is common during infancy and early childhood. The male to female ratio is 3:1. The clinical presentation and aetiology may vary from patient to patients. Diagnosis is based on clinical ground and imaging methods like X rays, Ultrasonography and CT scans. Treatment may be conservative or the surgical which depends on aetiology and pathology of the disease. Aim: The study aims to find out age and sex difference, clinical symptoms and signs, seasonal variation, and various management aspects of intussusception in paediatric patients. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study on paediatric patients. Patients aged below 12 years and diagnosed having intussusception by clinical or radiological ground were included in the study and patients who were above 12 years of age and having diagnosis other than intussusception were excluded. Summary: Intussusception is one of the common cause of intestinal obstruction in pediatric patients. Aetiology and presentation of intussusception may be variable. Most common age of presentation is <1 year and male child were more affected [1.5:1]. Abdominal pain was commonest symptom 100%] and tenderness of abdomen was most common elicited sign [88%]. X ray abdomen and Ultrasonography was commonly used imaging technique [100%]. Most of the patients were managed conservatively [72%]. Resection and anastomosis of intestine was commonly performed procedure in those who underwent surgical intervention [57%]. Seasonal variation was observed in the study, more number of incidence were happened in the season of monsoon [56%].

Authors and Affiliations

Pratik S. Shaparia


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Pratik S. Shaparia (2018). A Retrospective Study of Intussusception in Children. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 6(8), 18-22. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-489664