A Retrospective Study of Role of CalcarFemoraleIn Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 11
Abstract: The sliding screw-plate devices and cephalo-medullary nail devices have performed sound in stable inter-trochanteric fractures in patients with sensibly good quality of bone. However, their suboptimal performance in comminuted fractures in the presence of osteoporotic bone has prompted many surgeons to consider bipolar hemiarthroplasty as the primary modality of management of comminuted inter-trochanteric fractures in elderly patients. However, long term stability of the hemiarthroplasty implant also may be compromised due to the presence of postero-medial bone loss at the area of the calcar.Materials and Methods: We have presented a straightforward and effectual technique of calcar grafting by harvesting cortical bone strut from the neck of the fractured femur. A total of 35 patients with inter-trochanteric fractures of the femur were treated with calcar grafting. The mean age was 79.2 years. The graft was harvested from the calcar region of the head and neck fragment of the femur and wedged between the medial femoral cortex and medial edge of the prosthesis. The mean followup period was 12 months. In 32out of 35 patients in our series, the calcar graft healed well without dislodgement. There was graft resorption in two patients associated with subsidence of the implant and loosening. Calcar grafting using this technique provides stability to the implant in the presence of comminution and incorporates well in the majority of patients. Donor site morbidity of graft harvesting is also avoided. Keywords:Unstable I/T fracture, Calcarfemorale, Bony Calcar Graft,Hemiarthroplasty, Transtrochanteric approach, Harris hip score
Authors and Affiliations
S. A. Mustafa, Dr. JohneyJuneja, Akhil Arora, Gaurav Sahu
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